
Paul Housberg / Around the Studio  / DNA Inspired Art Glass

DNA Inspired Art Glass

DNA inspired art glass for ARIAD Pharmaceuticals

DNA inspired art glass for ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, 2015

Happy New Year! I hope you’re enjoying a peaceful transition into 2016.

In the fall, I shared a DNA inspired art glass installation that I created for ARIAD Pharmaceuticals. That work has gotten me thinking about the numerous DNA inspired projects I’ve created in recent years.

DNA heat map

DNA heat map inspiration (image via Wikipedia)

The connection between my work and DNA (especially DNA heat maps) was unintentional at first. I would be contacted for a hospital or medical/science project, and the collaborating architects would note the similarities between my proposal and the way DNA data is often expressed in grids of color. Over time, that connection became more specific and deliberate as I developed ideas; and now I’ve completed multiple projects directly inspired by DNA mapping.

DNA inspired art glass for Frick Chemistry Lab by Paul Housberg

Art glass for Frick Chemistry Lab, Princeton University (click for more)

DNA inspired art glass for Mayo Clinic Simulation Center by Paul Housberg

Glass installation at Mayo Clinic Simulation Center (click for more)

DNA inspired art glass for the Longwood Center by Paul Housberg

Kilnformed glass wall at Longwood Center (click for more)

Of course, I’m not the only artist to be inspired by DNA mapping. A quick Google search for “DNA inspired art” brings up all kinds of great work! I’ll feature a few of my favorites soon.