Author: admin

Paul Housberg / Articles posted by admin

Working with a Restricted Palette

"Midsummer Dance" by Anders Zorn, 1897, restricted palette
“Midsummer Dance” by Anders Zorn, 1897 (via Watts Atelier of the Arts)

Lately I’ve been asking myself how far I can go simplifying color and still create a successful piece. Most of my work involves a limited palette, though the specific colors in that palette can vary from project to project. While glass is not paint, it’s interesting to explore from a painterly perspective how restricted a palette one can use in glass and still achieve an effective work of art.

Colorful Art Installation by Christopher Janney

Rendering of Harmonic Grove, by artist Christopher Janney, forthcoming at Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital (image via WAFB9)

Anyone familiar with my work knows that I create installations for hospitals and other healthcare-related facilities; so I’m always interested to follow what other artists are doing in these settings. Recently, I was particularly intrigued to learn about this colorful art installation by the Massachusetts-based artist Christopher Janney, which is slated to open this fall at Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Lamberts Mouth-Blown Glass Installation for USC Alumni Center

Lamberts Mouth-Blown Glass Installation for University of South Carolina Alumni Center by Paul Housberg

Lamberts mouth-blown glass installation for USC Alumni Center, 2015

I’m happy to share another recently completed project – a Lamberts mouth-blown glass installation for the University of South Carolina (USC)’s Alumni Center, the first permanent Alumni Center in the school’s 200 year history.

Backlit Glass Screens Receive CODAworx Merit Award

Backlit Glass Screens by Paul Housberg | Temple Adath Israel

Backlit Glass Screens at Temple Adath Israel, Merion Station, PA (2014)

I’m very happy to share that my backlit glass screens for the Mandell Sanctuary at Temple Adath Israel in Merion Station, Pennsylvania, received a Merit Award from CODAworx.

Stunning Contemporary Stained Glass Window by Kiki Smith and Deborah Gans

Contemporary stained glass window by Kiki Smith and Deborah Gans

Contemporary stained glass window by Kiki Smith and Deborah Gens (photo: Peter Aaron / Esto via

One of New York City’s most beautiful (but perhaps lesser known) gems is the remarkable contemporary stained glass window that artist Kiki Smith and architect Deborah Gens created for the Eldridge Street Synagogue, now known as the Museum at Eldridge Street.